Clear, Healthy Skin is Within Reach

Regain your confidence and embrace blemish-free skin with our specialised acne and pimple treatment at Kliaro Derma. Our customised solutions address the root causes of acne, providing you with a clear and radiant complexion. That’s why we offer a range of advanced Acne Treatment in JP Nagar tailored to your unique skin type and concerns. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn breakouts or acne scarring, we aim to help you achieve the smooth, clear complexion you deserve.

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Acne Treatment in JP Nagar: Achieve a blemish-free complexion, reducing the appearance of acne and pimples at Kliaro Derma.

Benefits of Opting for Acne & Pimples Treatment

Clearer Skin

Achieve a blemish-free complexion, reducing the appearance of acne and pimples.

Reduced Scarring

Minimise the long-term effects of acne with treatments that target and heal scars.

Customised Solutions

Receive personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique skin type and concerns.

Boosted Confidence

Say goodbye to the stress of acne breakouts and regain your confidence.

Prevent Future Breakouts

Learn effective skincare routines and habits to prevent future acne flare-ups.

Professional Guidance

Benefit from the expertise of our, who can recommend the most effective treatments for your skin.

Common Types of Acne

Acne is a common cosmetic skin concern where the skin pores get clogged with extra sebum, dead skin cells, dirt, and sometimes acne-causing bacteria. It can be hormonal, bacterial, fungal, or mechanically induced and may appear on oily areas of the face or other body parts. The most commonly developing acne is acne vulgaris, including varieties of acne lesions, which broadly have two kinds: Non-inflammatory and Inflammatory.

Non-inflammatory acne lesions are further of two types, both being the least severe:

  • Blackheads (Open comedones)- These are enlarged or clogged hair follicles open at the skin surface. They come in contact with air and appear black because of the discolouration of extra sebum.
  • Whiteheads (Closed comedones)- These are enlarged or clogged hair follicles beneath the skin surface. As they are closed on top, they appear white because of no possible contact of sebum with air.

Inflammatory acne lesions are of four types:

  • Papules- These are small, pink, or red bumps on the skin, often tender to the touch.
  • Pustules- These are pus-filled papules appearing red at the base and white or yellow at the top.
  • Nodules- These are large, painful, hard lumps that develop deep within the skin.
  • Cysts- These are pus-filled nodules, usually causing acne scarring

Acne in Teenager

Acne is so commonly noticed among teenagers that it is considered to be a normal part of reaching adolescence or puberty. Teenagers get acne lesions because of the hormonal fluctuations that come with puberty.

The hormonal changes lead to excess sebum production, and that extra sebum clogs the pores along with dirt, dead skin cells, and sometimes bacteria. This causes acne breakouts in teenagers. Teenagers can avoid getting acne breakouts by washing their face twice daily using a mild cleanser. Using non-comedogenic skin products, limiting or avoiding intake of oily foods will also help.

It’s crucial to address teenage acne at its initial stage to prevent scarring. Contact Kliaro Derma to consult an acne doctor and learn more about teenage Acne Treatment in JP Nagar, Bangalore.

Acne in Adults

Acne lesions, usually known to develop in teenagers, can also affect adults. Some adults who used to have acne breakouts in their adolescence may continue experiencing them during their 20s to 50s. Some adults may have acne for the first time, which dermatologists call adult-onset acne. Most menopausal women have adult-onset acne. Acne in adults usually occurs due to fluctuating hormone levels, stress, side effects of medication, hair and skin care products, or undiagnosed medical conditions. For adults, having acne can be very frustrating. Thankfully, skincare experts at Kliaro Derma can help treat adult acne with two or more treatments.

Take the Help of a Skin Doctor for Acne Treatment in JP Nagar

Mild acne breakouts are usually manageable with a good skincare regime and some non-prescription medications like topical products containing benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, or azelaic acid. But, in cases where acne breakouts persist, there are stubborn and topical treatments that just cause the skin to itch or discolour. In such a case, skin experts’ assistance will be helpful, and so advised.

How Acne & Pimples Treatment Works?

Acne and pimple treatment aims to address these skin issues’ underlying causes while relieving current breakouts. At Kliaro Derma, the premier acne treatment clinic in JP Nagar our top-notch skin experts specialise in treating all acne lesions.

Here’s a simplified overview of how it works:

  • Assessment: The treatment process begins with a thorough cosmetologist or skincare specialist assessment. They evaluate your skin type, acne severity, and any potential triggers.
  • Cleansing: Proper cleansing is essential to remove excess oil, dirt, and impurities from the skin’s surface. This step prepares the skin for the application of treatment products.
  • Exfoliation: Depending on the severity of your acne, exfoliation may be recommended. This can involve chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid or physical exfoliants like gentle scrubs to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells.
  • Treatment Products: Acne doctors can help treat inflammatory acne lesions with prescription topical antibiotics. They work by killing or inhibiting acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation. For non-inflammatory acne lesions like comedones.
    The doctors may prescribe the patient with the use of topical re-ti-noids. If the acne lesions’ appearance does not improve after using topical products. The doctor may recommend the use of prescription oral medicines like antibiotics (to kill acne-causing bacteria), isotre-tin-oin (for severe acne), or anti-an-drog-en medicines and contraceptive pills (for treating hormonal acne). These products target bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote the shedding of dead skin cells.
  • Professional Procedures: In some cases, cosmetologists may recommend in-office treatments such as chemical peels, laser therapy, or microdermabrasion to address severe acne or scarring.
  • Oral Medications: For more severe or persistent acne, oral medications like antibiotics or hormonal therapy may be prescribed to manage the condition from within.
  • Skincare Routine: Cosmetologists often guide a suitable skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturising, and sun protection to maintain results and prevent future breakouts.
  • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments with the doctor help monitor progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed.

It’s important to note that acne and pimple treatment can vary significantly based on individual needs. Consulting with a skin expert ensures that you receive a customised approach tailored to your skin’s unique characteristics and the severity of your condition.

Acne Treatment Cost

Untreated cane can lead to acne scars. You can get treatment at Kliaro Derma if you have acne or pimples.

Acne Treatment cost in JP Nagar range from…………………………..

Note: The cost will vary from patient to patient based on their unique skin type and severity of acne.

Untreated Acne Leads to Acne Scars

Some acne lesions, specifically severe inflammatory acne lesions, can cause scarring if left untreated for long. Acne scars appear when there is an altered wound-healing response to damage caused by deep-seated acne. Acne that penetrates the skin damages the dermal skin layers.

The cutaneous inflammation caused by the acne makes the acne pore swell and the pore wall rupture, which leads to deep skin damage. As the damaged skin heals, collagen growth takes place. Unfortunately, collagen is not restored to normal levels in the damaged skin, which causes scars to develop.

To achieve smoother, acne-free skin with the best acne treatment in JP Nagar, visit Kliaro Derma for a flawless complexion.


What causes acne and pimples?

A combination of factors typically causes acne and pimples, including excess oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation. Hormonal changes, genetics, and certain skincare products can also contribute.

Is it necessary to see a dermatologist for acne treatment?

While you can use over-the-counter products to help with mild acne, you should consult a dermatologist for moderate to severe cases. Dermatologists can provide personalized treatment plans and prescribe medications that are more effective for persistent acne.

How long does it take to see results from acne treatment?

Results vary depending on the severity of your acne and the treatment used. Some people may notice improvements in a few weeks, while others may require several months of consistent treatment to see significant changes.

Are acne treatments safe for all skin types?

You can tailor acne treatments to different skin types, but it’s essential to consult a dermatologist. They can recommend treatments that are suitable for your specific skin type and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.

Can acne treatments prevent future breakouts?

Yes, some acne treatments, such as retinoids and oral contraceptives, can help prevent future breakouts by regulating oil production and addressing hormonal imbalances. Your dermatologist can discuss options tailored to your needs.

Do acne treatments have any associated side effects?

Some acne treatments may have side effects like dryness, redness, or peeling skin. You can typically manage these side effects with proper skincare and guidance from your dermatologist. It’s essential to follow your treatment plan as directed to minimize side effects.